Ropes were earlier made from natural fibers such as cottan, jute, mnila, hemp, however they lacked the standard bearing strength and they also did not have standard elasticity. hence the use of natural fiber ropes was always a dangerous preposition while doing rock climbing or mountaineering in the earlier daysA three strand laid rope is called a plain or hawser-laid rope. A four strand rope is usually called shroud-laid, and a rope twisted out of 3 or more ropes is called cable-laid. Subsequently, nylone ropes came into the picture. Next was the Kernmantle rope which had a core (kern) of long twisted fibers in the center, with a braided outer sheath or mantle of woven fibers. The kern provides most of the strength (about 70%), while the mantle protects the kern and determines the handling properties of the rope .Broadly speaking, for Rapelling, a Static rope is used and for Climbing, a dynamic rope is used. Jummar is an equioment used for ascending and is also known as the ascender. I...