Lunch and 15 minutes nap in the second Half at Tekla

After completing the rockclimbing, we use to return back to our base area where all oour rucksacks were kept. The time used to be arround 13.30 Hrs. Of course the Whistle of the Kitchen Master would remind us that the Lunch was ready.
Although, exhausted after a tiring but exciting rock climbing experience, all ou us remove our rock climbing shoes and some of us went to the water hole for washing our messtin and filling up of the water bottles. Then it was a rush to the Kitchen to be first in the queue since the queue used to grow serpentine within no time. Yo can imagine a queue of 60 guys with messtin in hand standing in a queue for their turn of the grub.
The trainees after collection of the edibles which used to include chapatties, Rice, Pulses , Dry Vegetables , Custord and jelly on some occassion and the ominipresent "Santra" i.e the orange .
Soon there were many groups of people sitting huddled with friends enjoying the lunch . Those who complwted first went out to get a helping of the Bourvita - hot drink. Others who were totally exhausted enjoyes a quick dozing of 15-20 minutes befor the scary "Fall In Time" came.


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