Dingad Valley
The Din Gad Valley was our resting point for the next 18 days . Here we
camped . The first thing we did there was to pich our tents. Pitching tents in the snow is an experience difficult to forget.
One can see the Macchadhar Range on the extreme left , Unnamed Peak in the front, Mount Jaon Lee on the right and Draupadi ka Danda on the extereme right.
Din Gad Valley gets its name from the Din Gad River which originates on the Dokriani Glacier and follows along the Valley to be joined by other glacial streams which finally passes through the Gujjar Hut and finally joins the bhagirathi river.

One can see the Macchadhar Range on the extreme left , Unnamed Peak in the front, Mount Jaon Lee on the right and Draupadi ka Danda on the extereme right.

Din Gad Valley gets its name from the Din Gad River which originates on the Dokriani Glacier and follows along the Valley to be joined by other glacial streams which finally passes through the Gujjar Hut and finally joins the bhagirathi river.

The daily routine at Dingad Valley was to get up at 5.00 for the morning tea, Breakfast at 6.00 , March to the Glacier at 7 .00 Hrs.